August 1, 2023

Infrastructure Prioritisation Tender

Infrastructure Prioritisation Tender

The purpose of this assessment is to identify priority projects for regional South Australia and to inform State and Federal Government and the private sector of the potential impact of these projects and what is required to activate them.

The outcome of the process is an identification of priority projects, an evaluation of their priority from a whole of state perspective and a categorisation according to what intervention is required to advance the project.


Friday August 11th – 12pm


Kelly-Anne Saffin – 0417 872 015
[email protected]



Request for Quote
Consultancy Agreement
2013 RDSA Project Prioritisation Report
2018 RDSA Infrastructure Report

RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation Timelines:

Week 31 July 2023 Tenders Open
Week 10 August 2023 Tenders Close and collated to Steering Committee
Week 14 August 2023 Steering Committee Recommendation to CEO’s, CEO’s Recommendation to RDA Adelaide Board
Week 22 August 2023 Project Commencement Meeting successful contractor
Month of September Finalisation of Methodology, Timeline and Information Request to RDA’s for collation
Month of October Gathering of information from RDA’s
10th November 2023 RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation Workshop
24th November 2023 Receipt of final report
8th December 2023 Endorsement by Circular Motion to RDA’s
16th December 2023 Launch of RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation Report at RDSA Meeting




Get In Touch

Looking for some more information or have a question, drop us a line and we would be happy to assist.